Teamwork & Collaboration

At StruXi, we believe that the strength of our team is due in no small part to the diversity of it’s members.   We represent a variety of ages, experience, and backgrounds.  

As a team, we work together to solve a range of problems by utilising the range of knowledge, experience and creativity that each team member brings.  Our goal for utilising collaboration in the workplace is to maximise our chances of successful outcomes for all of our Clients, which in turn creates more success for StruXi as a business. Working in a team creates an environment where we are encouraged to share knowledge and work more efficiently and effectively. Each team member is a resource that contributes to better and wiser decisions.  

Collaboration helps create an open environment where people feel valued and heard, contributing to a healthy company culture. When working within a team of individuals with different skill sets, you are able to solve problems more creatively and effectively and cover any blind spots that a particular individual might miss. Working together creates a tremendous opportunity for individuals to learn from each other.  Collaboration requires feedback and viewpoints from a variety of individuals, encouraging personnel to expand their skills more rapidly by spending time with those who have different ideas, knowledge, and experience to them.  When people are continually updated with new information, it continues the momentum and creates a constant innovation cycle that can accelerate new and creative solutions.  On occasions, an individual can become focused on a problem. The big picture gets buried, and they are unable to find an adequate solution. By utilising our team members, a solution to the problem is easier to identify and make connections between various ideas to the bigger picture.  When people work together openly, processes and goals become more aligned, leading the team towards a higher success rate of achieving a common goal.  

The benefits we have found by utilising teamwork and collaboration: 
· Promotes problem-solving. 
· Spurs innovation.  
· Connects the team to the bigger picture.  
· Boosts learning and skill-sharing.  
· Increase personnel satisfaction.   
· Creates a higher success rate of achieving common goals.  

At StruXi, we encourage our staff to utilise teamwork and collaboration for all projects they work on.  We seek to understand problems, propose solutions, test theories and assess results. And then do it again.  Each time, the problems become clearer, and the list of possible solutions diminishes, as some are discarded, and others are further developed. 


A letter from Owen - Value in Mentoring


And that’s a wrap